Environmental Pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which people dirty their surroundings. People pollute their surroundings in different ways. Smoke and gases from cars and buses, chemical wastes from factories and all kinds of pesticides pollute the atmosphere.
Almost all the people are involved in causing pollution in one way or the other. People drive cars and other motor vehicles that discharge smoke and pollute the air. The water in the rivers is dirtied by the chemical wastes and other substance discharged by factories. In the same way too much use of fertilizers and pesticides pollute the soil. The machines and vehicles produce disturbing noise that causes noise pollution.
The problem of environmental pollution became serious in the second half of the 19th century. It is getting more and more serious day by day. This is because of the increase in population. Before the 19th century, the problem was there, but it did not affect seriously as the population of the world was not so large.
The problem is not only serious but quite complicated as well. The people can not stop using cars and buses. The people have to run factories to produce necessities of life. |Fertilizers and pesticides are necessary for the rapid growth of crops. In this complicated situation we should think out some large scale measures. We should work for enriching the environment with oxygen. The quantity of oxygen can be increased by plating trees on large scale.
At the same time we should reduce the use of motor vehicles, fertilizers and pesticides only to the level of necessity . The factories should have treatment plants. We should take great care of cleanliness of our surroundings. We should not throw garbage in the streets. The scientists should work to find out the ways to decrease the pollution. The government should enforce laws that can help control pollution.
Our earth is probably the only inhabited planet in our solar system. We should keep it as a sacred gift of God, free from pollution.
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