Technical education means training in some technical skill. Civil electrical, mechanical, auto engineering and many other ranches of industry are part of technical education. Technical education is entirely different from general education. General education aims at training the mind and developing the intellect. It also helps in training of character. On the other hand, technical education prepares the students to earn an honorable living. Its purpose is to provide skilled persons for a country. It trains them to work in various fields of life.
We are living in an industrial age. No progress is possible without progress in industry. Industrial countries are the most developed countries of the world. No industry can be established without the help of technical experts. So it is in the interest of a country to train her own technical experts.
Another advantage of technical education is that it can solve the problem of unemployment in a country. Most of the educated people depend on government jobs for earning a living. Technically trained people are eligible for a government fob and they can also earn their living by establishing their own business.. Moreover, there is great demand of technical experts in foreign countries.
Along with the advantages of technical education, there are a few disadvantages as well. Technically trained men work like machines. They don't have many opportunities of character training. |Thus they may ignore values of life,.But this problem can easily be solved by making arrangements for the training of character. On the other hand technical education has more advantages than general education.
The above discussion shows that technical education has great importance in nation building. But when we look towards our own country Pakistan, we feel that this side has been ignored. Because of the lack of technical education, we are facing the great problem of unemployment.
In recent times, government has taken serious steps to establish technical institutes. But still more institutes are required to meet the problem of lack of experts in industrial fields...
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