June 2021

 Modern age is very grateful to science. Science has brought revolution in our life. whatever progress man has made is all due to the inventions of science. Science has changed our life in every respect. It is true that science is the basis of modern civilization. 

Science has made the world look like a city. It has greatly shortened the distances. Fast moving cars and aeroplanes have replaced cars and tongas. The trains and buses have made the travelling easy and economical. The advanced means of communication have enabled us to get information from the whole world. Radio and Television provide us the news. Telephone provides us the facility to talk to a friend or relative overseas.

Science has increased the necessities of life. It has brought a revolution in the field of industry and agriculture. The products of industry are increasing day by day . This increase has influenced human life. The life has become a lot easier as compared to the past. Fans, air-conditioners, heaters, and many other products have made our life comfortable. The modern methods of cultivation have increased the yield of crops. Huge barrages and tube wells make water available throughout the year.

In the past, people died on large scale because of epidemics. Disease was a monster at that time. Now, with the help of science, we can fight against the deadly diseases. Death rate has been reduced because of the control over diseases. Tuberculosis, cancer, typhoid fever, smallpox, cholera- all have become curable. The painless operations have reduced the sufferings of humanity.

Science has also changed our attitudes towards life. Now we are more realistic than we had been in the past. We judge everything in terms of facts. We are no more superstitious. We know that there is some real ground behind every happening. In the past, hard work made life difficult and there were no amusements. With the increase in comforts, man has found some amusements in the form of cinema, internet and television.

Although the comforts that science has provided us are countless yet it has its dangerous aspects as well. The deadly weapons of war are also the product of science. It has made our life uncertain. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the clear examples of the destruction that science can cause. 

To conclude the discussion, we may say that science has influenced our life in every way. It is only due to science that modern man is totally different from his forefathers...

 Environmental Pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which people dirty their surroundings. People pollute their surroundings in different ways. Smoke and gases from cars and buses, chemical wastes from factories and all kinds of pesticides pollute the atmosphere.

Almost all the people are involved in causing pollution in one way or the other. People drive cars and other motor vehicles that discharge smoke and pollute the air. The water in the rivers is dirtied by the chemical wastes and other substance discharged by factories. In the same way too much use of fertilizers and pesticides pollute the soil. The machines and vehicles produce disturbing noise that causes noise pollution.

The problem of environmental pollution became serious in the second half of  the 19th century. It is getting more and more serious day by day. This is because of the increase in population. Before the 19th century, the problem was there, but it did not affect seriously as the population of the world was not so large.

The problem is not only serious but quite complicated as well. The people can not stop using cars and buses. The people have to run factories to produce necessities of life. |Fertilizers and pesticides are necessary for the rapid growth of crops. In this complicated situation we should think out some large scale measures. We should work for enriching the environment with oxygen. The quantity of oxygen can be increased by plating trees on large scale. 

At the same time we should reduce the use of motor vehicles, fertilizers and pesticides only to the level of necessity . The factories should have treatment plants. We should take great care of cleanliness of our surroundings. We should not throw garbage in the streets. The scientists should work to find out the ways to decrease the pollution. The government should enforce laws that can help control pollution. 

Our earth is probably the only inhabited planet in our solar system. We should keep it as a sacred gift of God, free from pollution.


 Technical education means training in some technical skill. Civil electrical, mechanical, auto engineering and many other ranches of industry are part of technical education. Technical education is entirely different from general education. General education aims at training the mind and developing the intellect. It also helps in training of character. On the other hand, technical education prepares the students to earn an honorable living. Its purpose is to provide skilled persons for a country. It trains them to work in various fields of life. 

We are living in an industrial age. No progress is possible without progress in industry. Industrial countries are the most developed countries of the world. No industry can be established without the help of technical experts. So it is in the interest of a country to train her own technical experts. 

Another advantage of technical education is that it can solve the problem of unemployment in a country. Most of the educated people depend on government jobs for earning a living. Technically trained people are eligible for a government fob and they can also earn their living by establishing their own business.. Moreover, there is great demand of technical experts in foreign countries. 

Along with the advantages of technical education, there are a few disadvantages as well. Technically trained men work like machines. They don't have many opportunities of character training. |Thus they may ignore values of life,.But this problem can easily be solved by making arrangements for the training of character. On the other hand technical education has more advantages than general education.

The above discussion shows that technical education has great importance in nation building. But when we look towards our own country Pakistan, we feel that this side has been ignored. Because of the lack of technical education, we are facing the great problem of unemployment.

In recent times, government has taken serious steps to establish technical institutes. But still more institutes are required to meet the problem of lack of experts in industrial fields...


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